Friday, December 22, 2006

new arrival(s)

busy day for the driver today, he had to make 2 trips to the airport. the project mgr left, a china HR rep came down, and tj's dad came down too.

we kinda miss the project mgr, cos he was the only helpful one, who'll help us make phone calls to arrange for stuff... HR rep wasn't v helpful, didn't even stay long to see him to find out how he is, seems like she's only coordinating the insurance matters related to tj's accident. they haven't given us any straight answers yet, despite us pushing and pushing since last week, and now tt it's Xmas and everyone else is enjoying their holidays, it seems like our case is just swept under the rug, and tt's super demoralising.

tj's only beginning to see the seriousness of the corporate situation, including the costs involved in medical evacuation. but he still remains hopeful tt his company will take care of him. yes they will, they have indicated tt they'll get him home, but they didn't say when. 3 months later is also getting him home you know?

the better news of the day: tj just moved his bowels. haha i can't believe tt i'm blogging abt this, but yah, we're really just grateful for small things like these tt show he's getting better. his internal organs also don't hurt now which definitely is good news. but then constantly lying flat on his back has put abit of strain on his tailbone so it hurts and he can't sleep properly.

he just has so much food cravings. hp he'll be cleared to eat dairy soon so he can maybe have a bite of the xmas log cake he so craves...

gonna try spending as much of Xmas with him, decided to fly back on Xmas day, and get ready, maybe have to fly back to Xi'an if he has to stay there longer. sighz. everything seems to be hinged on Monday's CT Scan, i really hope he'll be fine... and tt the doctors are responsible enough not to go on leave on Xmas... we need something to give us Xmas cheer too...


Weijia said...

hey da jie,

perhaps you can consider the intl SOS i told u over msn the other time. can get them to evacuate TJ and not wait for insurance co. it will cost a bomb lah, but if u sue his co & prove that the engagement of another co is neccesary, then you will prob be able to claim the damages back. (it will take a while though)

just a suggestion.

tell TJ to jia you hang in there! :D

hope to see him soon! :)

you take care also huh!


car said...

well, his co. has told us tt co. policy states tt they'll evacuate him back to s'pore. but they haven't told us pretty much anything, which is irritating. we're trying to push as hard as we can le.