Sunday, December 17, 2006

hands are tied

spent the morning getting more rest and getting things done, left for the hospital at 1.30, waited for the doctor who was on leave, tried to get medical records (for 2nd opinions by tj's uncle and other docs) but can't cos the doctor's on leave, queued up till 3 to see tj, but couldn't cos though the visiting hrs for ICU is "everyday" from 3 - 4 pm, weekends are not considered part of everydays. go figure, then later when the field administrator guy went to pass them the towels etc. (in China, relatives bring the patients their food, bring the nurses toiletries to wash the patients) he got to go in for a short while to talk to him! disappointed tt i didn't get to talk to him again, and i know he's really bored, but at least we got to pass him our notes and he passed us one, so when i saw his note i was v v happy, cos it's something from him...

china's medical system really pisses me off, but i'm trying not to let it get to me, trying not to insist too hard to break their regulations, yes i'm a foreigner but tt doesn't make things ezier just cos i'm foreigner, though i do wonder if i'm ang moh would it have made a difference. but yah, dowan to make them pissed off, cooperate, so tt tj can come back sooner. but it's counter-productive when his father and mine say "can't u ask the company to let u see him longer" and things along those lines. how can we? it's a common ICU, it's not just tj we shd be worried abt, but the other patients, alot who have just completed surgery and prone to lots of infections... but yeah, just hp tt our small notes keep him gg, let him know tt we love him lots and explain the situation to him better...

for now, our hands are tied, cos just waiting for him to get well. but we're trying on the side to make the insurance company to commit to evacuating him as soon as he is stable, we don't want him to go thru any more delays.

other than tt, his vitals are stable, at least now he's cleaned up and feel better... i miss him more than ever, being so near yet so far, and though it seems tt i'm making a wasted trip, i'm glad i came, i'd like to think tt he feels better just knowing i'm 10 min away... i just wish i can see him soon though...

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