Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i HATE falling sick

ok who doesn't? esp if it's the kind that makes your stomach churn and makes u grasp your stomach, and you can't stand up straight during the sporadic spasms, that makes you wake up in the middle of the nite (almost every half-hourly) just to go toilet to diarrohea. what kind of word is diarrohea anyway? i never really learnt how to spell it.

first tj, then me, then now cha. according to my doc it's some virus going arnd tt attacks the stomach, not sure how true is that. so was on one day MC, just sleeping at home. at least my stomach no longer hurts due to the medicine and also because there is only so much that can make ur stomach churn if you didn't eat anything and have proceeded to diarrohea out maybe 3 days worth of food.

all in all, agony. i HATE falling sick. unless it's the keng kind that i can take MC and feel pretty much ok.

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