Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Final Countdown

The title, if you realize, alludes to a very popular and cheesy song played during wedding banquets during the presentation of the first dish… Why was it selected as a song to be played during weddings? Cos the groom is counting down to his “doom” (since a popular Chinese joke is that marriage is the grave of love)? Or the bride can count down to the end of her diet (and gasp, days of looking pretty)? Never mind.

Anyway I’m in my final days of singledom (in the eyes of the law that is), and I’m counting down till the day! =) Received a super sweet SMS from TJ this morn that totally brought a smile on a dreary Tuesday.

Someone close asked TJ why he wanted to get married now (i.e. isn’t it a little early?) Which got us thinking, but we came to the conclusion: the question is not about the who, it's about the why now… which then means that it doesn’t really matter when we get married, as long as we are, to each other…

Pray for good weather, good food, good skin, everybody coming on time and totally enjoying themselves!

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