Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's been awhile

Apologies for the lack of posts. It's been a crazy period since my last post, and can be summarized as such:

- Super-emo-period where I was going to leave my previous department (calculatedrisks no more), mostly emo-ing due to the fact that I was going to miss my fun colleagues.
- Moving on to a new department, doing a whole bunch of different things that is way more exciting
- Still keeping in touch with the old colleagues! So that's still good!
- Eating WAY TOO MUCH at the new department, what with tons of partner lunches, cool events, and an overall greedy boss
- Upping my working pace by at least 100% if not I would drown in all my emails
- Going home later and later every day =(
- Being a social hermit (i.e. I don't log onto Facebook regularly anymore), mostly because when I come home I'm so tired I just rather vegetate in front of the tv
- BKK is now turning into a yearly affair. Had tons of fun buying way too many things. But I come back still thinking I have nothing to wear! Something is really WRONG with me
- My first work related travel to sydney, which was pretty all right but the best part was the first class air ticket both ways! It really feels GREAT!


spikefire said...


if you are going to BKK soon... I can recommend you to go to Paul's Fashion in Amari Watergate Hotel. Both of you can make some tailored office wear there. Good price good quality, and ready in 1 day.

shirts abt 700bht
pants 1200-1500 bht
blouse 800bht

it kindda depends on the material you choose too.

Unknown said...

Hey when were you in BKK? I just came back to Singapore on the 25th as well. Great fun too! Yup, so now you realise that I do read your blog as well. Good luck on your new posting! Any job that involves travelling 1st class sounds like a good job to me!