Monday, October 08, 2007


the consultants came and went, pretty interesting and learnt quite abit running around with them. hope they manage to do a good job so it reflects well on us. but yah, was kinda hoping that one of them will be cute. he's not too bad, but not super cute. oh wellz. and the other (older one) looks like italian mafia! but without the black super greased hair, his is more like greying and curly.

my boss was such a liar, my project mate's boss told my boss that he's taking her out of the team since she got rotated and cross-dept projects aren't supposed to last tt long. so both agreed that my boss will inform her that she's no longer required to do this project. so since i didn't know tt she's not supposed to be in the project, i informed her to join in a teleconference with the consultants. my boss was "surprised tt she turned up, and tot tt she was being reassigned to the project" and continued with the arrangement, until her boss found out, and was hopping mad and screaming to my boss. win liao lor. at least her boss apologised to her saying tt it was partly his fault tt he didn't inform her, but my boss never said nothing! instead, he started coming up with excuses. what an ass...

but yah, will leave tt all behind now, cos i'll be flying off to zurich for my lovely holiday! yippeee! and it seems like good news on tj's job too... yippeeee! =)

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