Sunday, March 11, 2007

just whining

It’s been a very long week. Tons of papers to finish, appendices to do and format, and got to deal with the PMSy boss. Which is actually a lot worse. I don’t mind having tons to do, bringing them back to do during the weekends (which I’m doing now) just that I’d feel a lot better if he showed that he appreciated it. And not give us attitudes like “both of you shouldn’t expect to go home at 5.30 sharp everyday, the officers can but not you… yesterday I came back after my course and did work until 8.30…” Yes, I go home on time everyday, but if times are busy (like now) I actually bring work home cos it makes a lot more sense that way. If I go home by public transport, it takes me easily an hour MORE to get home, time which could be spent doing work/resting/catching up with my family. So now, anytime I do work at home, I’ll send him the completed file from home at night, rather than save in my thumb-drive and send it to him the next morn in office.

My colleague's on MC again, pregnancy complications. She feels bad that she's left me to cover her work for her, but while I do resent it abit, I'm glad that she can rest, cos she's been so stressed out working late, which could be affecting the baby. But yah, fighting a war is always so much better when you have allies.

That day, my boss got whacked left right and centre by my big boss. big boss told my boss 2 mths ago what he wanted but my boss insisted tt his way is correct, and only did cosmetic changes, which of course pissed big boss off... "I give all my managers leeway to do their own things cos I don't wanna breathe down their necks... but this really worries me..." I've already told my boss wat big boss wanted, but he refused to listen and insisted on doing his own way... sighz...

Stressed, demoralized and to make things worse: I just got confirmed. Meaning 3 months period if I wanna resign. Arghz. Only thing tt keeps me going now is the fat bonus we’re all expecting in July. But tt’s still 4 months away…

It’s gonna be longer weeks from now since my weekends are all burnt.

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