Ok it’s a tad bit early to come up with New Year Resolutions (only 37 days to 2009 *gasp*) but I’m going to start with my list of resolutions anyway… here goes…
1) Track my expenses more carefully
Yes, I’ve been working for a couple of years now, but yet I’ve never really gotten down to tracking my expenses carefully. It’s not like I’m a spendthrift, I do save every month, and have enough to spare for holidays to pay up my debts etc. and have a decent amount stashed up, but that is dwindling rapidly into the vast debt hole known as the “New Home” and I’m already looking at absorbing losses from the wedding dinner to be held next year, no thanks to the recession.
With the recession and all, I’m thankful that I still have my job even though it still sucks, but at least every month I have a fixed income to rely on and the job stability isn’t all that bad…
To achieve my expense tracking, I’ll have to end up spending more money (to get a nice 2009 organizer to track daily expenses) but it’ll be worth it. No more impulse buys and I (will try) to online shop less (I hope)
2) To improve my standards of English and Mandarin
While packing my stuff to move house early this year, I was flipping through my old assignments in JC/Uni days, and was amazed by how “smart” I was. Seriously, I look back and have no idea how I managed to do all those integration/differentiation, write decent essays for economics, memorize and replicate the complicated organic chem. mechanisms, teach a class of year 1 students how to do lab experiments, conduct research and write a paper that really makes sense for my FYP…
I was relating this to a colleague during our long bus ride home the other day, and he was lamenting about the same thing, about how he feels he has to dumb-down his standard of English to fit his colleagues (I was kind of ticked off at this conversation but shall not go into it).
Feel like all that I’ve learnt in school has gone to waste because I’m not applying any part of it in my job, and I’ve also lost the urge to want to improve myself by studying further, which is kind of a waste… So I’m going to take the small step of improving my language standards by speaking and writing proper English and Mandarin, simply because this is the easiest to start off with, and borrowing more intellectual reading material from the library to read on my long bus rides so my time is better utilized.
And I resolve to keep my resolutions too… Wish me luck!