Monday, November 17, 2008

I Wonder…

Over the weekend, my colleagues and I had a blast of a time at a BBQ. A few of us helped to prepare the food (thankfully TJ’s mum lent us the use of her kitchen). From this experience, I realized that not all my female counterparts know their way around the kitchen. I mean I don’t expect everyone to know how to cook 10 course meals (which I don’t know how to btw) but not even knowing how to cut an apple?

I brought this up during lunch today, and realized it’s fairly common among girls our age… Hmm…

Which leads me thinking: In this time and age, is it still important for a woman to know how to cook?

For me, I like to pore over recipes, to go supermarket and wet market shopping, to chop up a feast, and the best part of it all, preparing a good meal w TJ… and sitting down with family and friends to enjoy the meal.

Maybe it doesn’t matter if a woman knows how to cook, but I’m glad that I do, even if occasionally my veggies end up uncooked or my potato salad ends up looking mushy.

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