Monday, May 26, 2008


Went for facial on Friday which effectively means tt my whole weekend will be plagued by crappy skin. Considering how much I’m spending on facial, I’m expecting that the problem will be solved, and not be aggravated. Am quite pissed and running impatient…

So ended up spending more money on my stupid face during the weekend, this time on oral supplements. Am praying tt they work, cos I have like less than a month left? The focus now is on calming all the irritating big outbreaks, the rest can be covered by makeup for the big day, then later must spend even more money treating the problem at the root. Arghz.

Friday was made even more crappy cos after suffering at the hands of the facialist, I go home to find that my laptop is no longer working thanks to my stupid idiot cat who had to go run around and knock the table down, bringing my laptop crashing to the floor. It can no longer start, with error message stating there’s some cable failure. Which according to my IT friends, means some form of hard disk failure. =(

Following my LCD screen crack in dec 07, I pestered TJ to get me a portable hard disk drive so I can back up all my stuff. But because of procrastination and an overall dread to handle all stuff electronic, it was left unused and untouched. So I’m even more upset, faced with the possibility that ALL my data will be gone, including all my lovely photos I’ve collected over the years =(

And now, I just realize that my ideal cupcake design is complicated and maybe can’t be made =(

Severe Monday blues…

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