Wednesday, March 05, 2008


very stressed this week, what with the tons of stuff happening at work, and the need to take leave on friday didn't make the situation at work better... just cos my mum decided on a whim to change the date of moving house to this week instead of next. then after i come home from work dead tired, i still have to pack my stuff...

packing 20 years of stuff is not easy... too many things of sentimental value get dugged up, and have to be thrown away because there simply is too much stuff and not enough place at the new home...

it was a chore, until it hit me tdy when i was on the bus home, tt this will be like the 2nd last night i'll sleep in LHP, the place i've called home for the past almost 20 years, and i started getting all emotional and melancholy... it isn't easy leaving this place, the convenience of it, the tons of memories, and the lovely neighbourhood... not to mention all the yummy food at chomp chomp...

suddenly someone came to my place and took jewel away... jewel, my dog of almost 10 years, whom i have a love-hate r/s with as she bit tj the first time they met... but tj and jewel have made peace... and it was just so sad seeing her go... she was just so understanding, didn't bark at all, just sat there looking sad... it's like she understood that we had to give her away as she was just way too big for the new place... and from the looks of it, it seems she'll be happier in her new place, a fish farm at choa chu kang... where she'll have lotsa company and be happier (i hope) running around a huge new home... but it just doesn't seem right looking out to the backyard and not hearing her running over to lick my hand...

i'll miss LHP and all the memories...

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