Monday, January 15, 2007

I love the weekend, no matter how rainy

So yes, it was a rainy weekend, and it really POURED on Friday (my first half-day of the year) but it was GREAT.

The Esplanade date was fantastic, we shared a cab with his mum there, braving the pouring rain, unfortunately we didn't get to bring the wheelchair along cos it couldn't fit into the taxi boot so it was crutches all the way for him. We both dressed up for his "first public debut". Afternoon tea at V-tea room, pricey but good service and yummilicious Bailey's teacake, we ended up walking from esplanade to citilink and back (which is bloody far and I told him tt like a few times but he refused to listen). Met up with our favourite usher at esplanade, who v kindly made arrangements for the crutches-bound tj. The concert was good too =)

This was followed by good oiishi pizza for Saturday dinner, a good sleep-in on Sunday morn, and the wine culture @ Dempsey, for more pizza, sausages, lotsa good wine (and we typically dont really like wine) and tons of good conversation.

So yes, weekends are good, and its great that we get to go out once in a while. I just hope it stops raining so I can finally send my clothes for washing.

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