Sunday, December 24, 2006

Guess the name of this noodles

short post, busy trying to pack both my stuff and some of tj's stuff... went walking arnd Xi'an city today, and am surprised to see how advanced this place is. More abt tt in a separate post when i feel more free.

anyway the northern parts of china are known for their 面食, literally translated to noodle dishes, though i guess a more accurate term would be pasta. it's too dry up here to grow rice (大米) so they grow alot of 小米 which i think is wheat, buckwheat etc. so they use these to make noodles. i love noodles, so it's quite fun eating those here, but they tend to come in fantastically huge portions and are too starchy, but since noodles are good here, we eat them every meal. never thought i'll say it, but i miss rice!

anyway this is one of shaanxi's most famous noodle dish. super complicated chinese word which the chinese here are proud to tell u tt this word is not found in any dictionary. this is supposed to be noodles as wide as a belt and quite chewy. i challenge u to tell me the exact name of this noodles... 1 cuppa coffee (starbucks/coffeebean) for the winner!

don't say i don't give you all close up of the word

1 comment:

spikefire said...

Merry Merry Christmas... Glad to see things are improving there.. U and TJ shld be back soon.. meanwhile.. take care